

Welcome to Tea Time!

Tea Time is a quarterly (February, May, August, and November) reflection on various qualties.

gra*tu*i*tea /ɡrəˈt(y)o͞oədē/ noun 1. something given voluntarily or beyond obligation, usually for some service like being served tea then helping your hostess wash cups, or slipping a teabag into a thank you note.

As I sip and savor tea steeped from that surprise tea bag I found in a thank you note, I taste tangible evidence of my sweet friend’s appreciation. When we enjoy our favorite drinks at our local coffee shops, leaving the baristas a gratuity proves our thankfulness for their service.

Did you know God instituted suggested gratuities into the sacrificial system of the Law? He calls them thanksgiving sacrifices. Like tipping a waiter, these sacrifices were to be voluntary, “of your own free will.” Yet there is a clear expectation that if God’s people are thankful for His salvation, they will give above and beyond what’s required.

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Do we? When God provides for us in a big way, do we use a portion of His gift to bless others? As we enter this season of Thanksgiving, let’s turn gratitude into more than lip service. Let’s give generously. Let’s share our abundance with those who serve us at church.

“Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches.” Galatians 6:6

 Let’s show our gratitude to Jehovah-Jirah by using what He’s given us to provide for the needs of brothers and sisters in the faith.

 “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” Hebrews 13:15 – 16

Then we can continue giving gratuities to the Lord by providing for the poor beyond our church walls. Jesus reminds us, “The poor you have with you always” (Matthew 26:11), and the apostle Paul wrote, “that we should remember the poor” (Galatians 2:10).

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  How might our celebration of Thanksgiving impact our neighborhood if our celebration extended beyond a Thanksgiving meal? Wouldn’t flooding our communities throughout the year with outpourings of generosity glorify God more than an annual feast and statements of thanks? We could tip beyond 20% and include a Gospel tract (I’ve heard more than one waitress complain about the stingy after church crowd). Let’s not be them. We might make purchasing an item for our local food bank a regular part of our grocery shopping.

“It is good to give thanks to the Lord.” It’s even better when we confirm our appreciation with a gratuity.

Abba, we praise You for Your generosity towards us. We ask that You open our eyes to tangible gratuities we can leave in Jesus’s name throughout the year.

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Gratui*Tea Read More »

Back to School: Important Lessons About Need and Want.

It’s elementary!

The U.S. Sun reports parents will spend a jaw-dropping $843 per child on back-to-school purchases in 2021. Twenty years ago, when my children were in school, the average hovered at $527. This year’s projection exceeds the inflation rate by almost $35. Thirty percent of families incur debt to pay for their kids to go back to school.

“The borrower is the slave of the lender.” Proverbs 22:7b

Please, avoid this unnecessary slavery. Trust me, if these figures revealed necessity (instead of excess), every retailer in America would go out of business. The back-to-school season provides rich soil to grow in our understanding of needs and wants.

I remember long supply lists, shopping crowded sales floors for the annual bargains, and children begging for the coolest and best. The couple years I spent homeschooling also posed a challenging back-to-school ritual: ordering curriculum, lesson planning, and still braving frenzied crowds for cheap (while they lasted) school supplies.

Gazing even further through the haze of back-to-school days, I remember the thrill of new clothes and the excitement of picking the grooviest outfit to wear on my first day. A fresh box of crayons thrilled my elementary soul and holding sharp, new pencils with erasers (my stubs of usable graphite always lasted longer than the coveted pink rubber end). How wonderful!

My mom worked to escape the poverty of her youth. As a former have not, she made sure I had it all. I wanted for nothing. And still, I wanted more. I’m not the only coveter. Coveting—the desire to acquire—defines American culture (hence, our national debt).

Most U. S. children expect to show up on that first day of class wearing new stylish clothes, with a new backpack filled with new supplies slung over their shoulder. And U.S. parents happily accept the challenge of fulfilling those expectations by expecting a large credit card bill in September.  That’s how I grew up. But Jesus saved me from these ridiculous expectations. So that’s not how I raised my children.

When the back-to-school season came around, we gathered the backpacks and inspected them for wear. If they were still useable, with no torn seams or gaping holes, then my children would show up with old gear on the first day—and every day after until need arose. We reused scissors and any other supplies that didn’t need replacing. I think my children only got about two pairs of scissors during their education; a blunt tip when they were young and a sharp pair when they grew responsible, and some probably got hand-me-down scissors.

We evaluated wardrobes too. I allowed the purchase of one new outfit before school to wear the first day, not a need but a privilege we could afford (without debt)—and I stressed to them it was a privilege. Even if my kids needed more clothes, I made my kids wait until they saw what their friends wore. This practice spared buyers remorse like my husband experienced in seventh grade. While school shopping, his mom asked if he wanted black or white socks. “I don’t know, white, I guess.”

His choice proved devastating when every other boy in his class returned to school with black socks. He complained. Kudos to my mother-in-law! She made him live with his choice. And he learned to survive peer pressure.

I avoided those tragic (for children) experiences and annoying (for me) complaints by letting them check out the fashion scene before shopping for new clothing.

By the time my kids hit junior high, I allotted them a reasonable budget based on the cost of the necessary merchandise and what our family could afford. I stressed fair isn’t always equal. If one child needed new everything and another required only a few, guess who received less to spend. Kids need suitable lessons on sound economics more than they need new stuff. So, do I, for that matter.

Today I find myself in a back-to-school season. My Teacher, Jesus, reminds me that I am only a steward of the allowance God provides for me. The abundance of my income isn’t for my pursuit of pleasure or new shiny treasure.

“She who lives in pleasure is dead while she lives,” 1Timothy 5:6.

Sometimes I feel like I’m dying—buried under the burden of stuff. Decluttering, organizing, trying to find things—these all consume too much of my time and rob my peace. Can you relate?

“But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.” 1 Timothy 6:6-8

God expects His children with extra to share with those who lack. How and with whom should I be more generous? The Father puts family first. We start by sharing with those in church. Then we give to the poor of the world.
“But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?” 1 John 3:17

It’s easy to overlook the poor in America. My neighbors appear to live as well as me. Lord, you’ve given me more than I need, thank You. Who needs my excess? Where are the poor? Please open my eyes, Jesus; take me back to school.

Back to School: Important Lessons About Need and Want. Read More »