Welcome to Teatime
Time is a quarterly (February, May, August, and November) reflection on various qualties.
Tran*quil*li*Tea \tran-ˈkwi-lə-tē, traŋ-\ – n A steady state of peaceful calm. The quality of being unflappable while enjoying the aroma and flavor of earl grey.
Draped in a drafty hospital gown, sitting on the hard, cold x-ray table, I waited for the technician to return with my second mammogram and breast ultrasound results. A few weeks before, the previous imaging had revealed something that seemed amiss, and the Doctor wanted a closer look. Oddly enough—I felt tranquil.
“Whatever it takes, Lord, to bring You glory in my life—I’m game for it. If you allow me to have cancer, You’ll give me the grace to endure; I’ll either survive or go home to Heaven fighting the good fight.” I silently prayed as I sat.
I know this sounds absurd, but I almost hoped it was cancer because I felt the need for new growth in my faith: I desired the Vine Dresser to prune me. I longed to be conformed to Christ’s image regardless of the cost.
“You (Lord) keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” Isaiah 26:3
The technician returned, happy to tell me there was nothing to cause worry. I had dense breast tissue. So, I changed back into my street clothes and went on my merry way; there were no new storms to face that day. Yet, that strange feeling of peace seemed to lift me. I praised God, not for the clear mammogram, for His calming presence.
I can assure you it is not something I’ve always had. My heart is prone to anxiety and fear, just like yours maybe, but that day, I enjoyed the presence of the God of Peace because I focused on His goodness—His glory. And there, on that cold x-ray table, I enjoyed the aroma of His presence like my first cup of Earl Grey in the morning. The one I sipped at breakfast with Jesus, reading my Bible and pouring out prayer.
These quiet breakfast conversations strengthen and sustain me more than tea and toast. I pursue tranquility first; The Lord fills my soul with inner peace. Seeking the peace of God before it storms provides an umbrella of stability in case a downpour arrives. Forgetting about His presence and power produces anxietea, a bitter brew that leads to fear and depression.
God tells us to cast our troubles on Him because He cares for us. We see His care in creation. Consider, for instance, bergamot, the delightful citrus fruit used to flavor black tea and create Earl Grey. Bergamot is a natural anti depressant. Its fragrance is bright, calming, and joyful. Just smelling it produces a calming effect.
It is possible to have a stormy heart in a tranquil setting. It is not circumstances that create anxiety in our hearts; it’s unbelief.
After a cup of Earl Grey and a conversation with God, I’m good to go, unhurried and unflappable, tranquil inside.
How do you find tranquility in the hustle and bustle of life? What are some ways you enjoy fellowship with God? When is a time you enjoyed His peace through a trial?
Dear Father, may we enjoy Your calming presence daily. May we experience the peace You offer, the peace that passes all understanding, as we relinquish our futile attempts to control what we cannot. Amen
Thanks Teri, this was very encouraging. I can’t stand Earl Grey but my coffee and quiet time is my tranquility. 🙂 Always a good reminder that if you haven’t sought God’s peace and strength before a crisis it’s much more difficult to do during one. Loved , “as we relinquish our futile attempts to control what we cannot.” Love you friend!
So true.
Thank you for your transparency.❤️