
Welcome to Tea Time
Time is a quarterly (February, May, August, and November) reflection on various qualties.
Ser*en*dip*i*tea \ˌser-ən-ˈdi-pə-tē\ n. 1. To discover God’s pleasant providence in life, like sipping high-quality Darjeeling for the first time.
“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21.
Eureka! The fragrance of sunshine, like my grandmother’s apricot tree, filled my nose as I sniffed in the glass canister of loose-leaf tea. That day I lifted the lids of every jar on the sandwich shop’s tea shelf where I worked. I was trying to decide what I should sip on break. When I discovered Darjeeling, I sniffed no more. That was the tea for me.
My Darjeeling discovery, serendipitous as it was, pales compared to the providence of God’s answers to prayer. He not only answers our prayers—but He often does so in ways that exceed our expectations.
I remember the wonder of the answer to prayer early in my walk with Christ. I was between paychecks, and as often happens in life, I reached the end of my money before the end of the month. Desperate for clean clothes to go to work in, I cried out, “Lord, I need some laundry money.” Two steps later, I noticed a quarter on the ground, the exact change I needed to do one load. Serendipity! A delightful, unexpected treasure! I burst into praise as I picked up the gift from my newfound Father. He really does care for me; I thought as I walked home.
Glimpses of God’s serendipitous nature fill the earth. The flash of a cardinal’s wings, finding an unbroken sand-dollar on the beach, the fragrance of lilacs, all the beautiful wonders that surprise and delight us prove His glorious grace to humanity. The earth declares His extravagance.
How has He inspired awe and wonder in you? When has He stepped into your life with serendipity? How can we provide serendipity to others, perhaps sending a handwritten note or an unexpected gift that adds delight to an ordinary day?
Father, You are the personification of serendipity! You never cease to surprise us with the riches of Your glory. Thank You for being You! Please, open our eyes in wonder to the Wonder that You are. Amen`