Be? Still?! A Meditation of Psalm 46:10

Are you running ragged?
Trampled under the feet of worry and hurry, the art of being died. Alga rhythms and screaming screens drive this false, frenetic pace. We no longer feel compelled to keep up with just the Jones. The picture-perfect Smiths and Wessins plague us too, and they’re killing us. Yet God calls us to be.
Psalm 46:10 begins with, “Be.” We are human beings. Being like, who? Ms. Smith or Jones? Or are we content to be God’s child created in His image? We exist as beings formed to shine the Light of the World into the darkness; have we been eclipsed?

The moon reflects the sun unless the world gets in the way. Has it? The world’s gravitational pull tends to drag us down and spin us around, setting us off balance; we feel we must do things to be of any use.
A demanding, dark deceiver shouts, “Hurry up! You have stuff to do, places to go!! Read that old story later.” But later, we’re tired from the treadmill he pushed us onto.
“Be still,” our Abba encourages us. Still reveals His invitation; S.T.I.L.L.
Stop what you are doing and be His child.
To discover the secret of living is to know the Lord of Life well.
Inquire of the One who loves you more than anyone else and knows the answers to all questions.
Look outside at the wonders He wrought: all creation declares His glory. Keep looking into His perfect law of liberty that sets us free from the world’s folly. And . . .
Listen for His still, small voice from His holy Word, the Bible. Wait for it . . . wait for it . . . wait patiently upon the Lord, and He will grant us the answers our hearts desire if—only if—we will settle down and know Him. Intimately. Let His gentle whisper fall on our soul’s ears. Know the great I AM is God. But first, we must be. Then be still.
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Be? Still?! A Meditation of Psalm 46:10 Read More »