It is good to give thanks to the Lord!
Peaches or pumpkin? Summer or fall? Fireworks or Jack o’ lanterns? I’m a peach summer girl all the way. Lighting up the sky on the Fourth of July amazes me. Satanic things like faces carved into pumpkins creep me out. So, instead, I focus on gratitude all through the fall.
With enough whipped creme, I can thank God for vegetable pie instead of juicy, sweet peaches. And since there’s absolutely nothing hollowed (holy) about Halloween, it’s time to decorate my dining room table with a cornucopia and hang a posterboard on the wall to record the many things I am thankful for each day. Like my friend, Judy who loves sunflowers because they turn their faces to the sun, I want the sunflowers that light up fall to remind me to turn my attention the Son of God.

For me, Thanksgiving isn’t just a day. In my home—it’s an entire season. Isn’t a full season of gratitude a marvelous way to usher in the Christmas season? Count down time; tomorrow is two months until Christmas. So, my encouragement to you as the days grow darker and colder, let’s turn our faces to the Lord and give thanks. Let’s sow an abundant harvest of gratitude for all the Lord has, is, and will do. Jesus came, and He’s coming again!