Steeped In Truth
forms the acronym SIT. Jesus commended Mary for sitting at His feet and receiving “the One thing” we all need most, His Word.
The mission of SIT is to teach women to:
Abide in God’s Word
Know the Truth
Be Free!

With a heart steeped in Scripture, Teri Gasser writes and speaks for women thirsting for truth. Teri serves in several capacities at Grace Baptist Church, Manhattan, KS.
Thanks to Jesus, Teri lives in the freedom of truth!
Extra trivia about Teri:
Truth – The only things that last forever are the Word of God and human souls. Teri’s passionate about these two things.
Teri loves her pastor’s wife life. She’s been married to Bill Gasser for over forty years. Together they’ve served three churches that Bill pastored: Meadowood Baptist in Madison, WI, Community Baptist in Hillsboro, OR, and Grace Baptist Church, Manhattan, KS.
She’s an empty nest mom of four and especially loves the little ones who call her Grammy.
Tea – Yes, tea is for Teri. She consumes copious quantities. Bill teases about hooking her up to an IV. She drinks it black, strong, and unsweetened.
Travel – Growing up as a Navy brat, Teri enjoys seeing new places and meeting new people.
When people ask, “Where are you from?” Teri answers, “The United States.”
“No, you don’t understand. I’m asking where did you grow up.” she often hears in response.
“Actually you don’t understand. By my seventh birthday, I lived in five states in all four corners of the country.”
Her favorite place is the beach and she’s obsessed with visiting lighthouses.
Talents -Everyone has some. Drawing comes naturally to Teri. She paints with watercolor. As far as writing goes, it’s a skill she works to develop.
What natural abilities did God knit in you? What abilities are you developing?
Trinkets -Teri collects collections: tea pots, tea cups, tea strainers, frogs and fairies just to name a few.
Despite the transitory nature and relative unimportance of things, these collections fill her home with whimsey.
Treats – Teri’s a carb queen. After all Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.”
She prefers sweet to salty but together they taste the best. Bring on the M&Ms and chips!
Turtles and sea turtles (macadamia nuts instead of pecans) are her favorite candies.
She wrestles with her cravings.
The struggle is real.
check out her blog
Feeling Happy! We like that feeling. The satisfaction of a happy ending held my interest for thirty minutes every day after school as I watched reruns of Father Knows Best. In this outdated, black and white, slow-to-no-action, family drama, the dad always knew what his kids should do. If only life was that painless.
We struggle with anticipation: enduring school because we want a diploma, longing to get married, staying in a lousy job until a better one comes, expecting a career to take off, anticipating children and grandchildren. These times test our patience and perseverance. What do you long for God to do? I bet you’ve grown weary …
Hot tears streamed down my cheeks. I pleaded as I sat on my toilet, “Please, please, God, let me keep this one. I can’t bear to lose this baby too!” (Nine months before, my first child was stillborn). . .
Teri’s personal faith convictions align with those of the church of which she’s a member. Follow this link to read the statement of faith of Grace Baptist Church Manhattan, Kansas https://gracebchurch.org/values-and-beliefs.